Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Nasi Lemak 50sen
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Taman Kelahiran Shah Alam
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Please have a seat.

Jumaat, 22/01/2010 | |
Duduk terlalu lama bahaya kesihatan Kajian dapati amalan punca serangan jantung LONDON: Saintis memberi amaran duduk untuk satu tempoh lama boleh membahayakan kesihatan walaupun bagi mereka yang selalu bersenam. Penyelidikan menunjukkan mereka yang banyak menghabiskan masa dalam keadaan duduk, tidak kira di pejabat, sekolah, dalam kereta atau di depan komputer, besar kemungkinan mengalami kegemukan, menghadapi risiko serangan jantung atau jatuh mati. Dalam satu lidah pengarang minggu ini dalam jurnal perubatan The British Journal of Sports Medicine, Elin Ekblom-Bak dari Fakulti Sains Sukan dan Kesihatan Sweden mencadangkan pihak berkuasa menyemak semula definisi aktiviti fizikal untuk menyerlahkan bahaya duduk terlalu lama. Setakat ini pihak berkuasa kesihatan belum meletakkan had tempoh duduk bagi seseorang walaupun sudah mengeluarkan garis panduan yang mencadangkan aktiviti fizikal ketika duduk. "Selepas empat jam duduk, badan kita akan menghantar isyarat yang tidak menyenangkan," kata Ekblom-Bak. Beliau berkata, gen yang mengatur jumlah glukos dan lemak dalam badan akan mula berhenti bertindak jika seseorang duduk pada tempoh lama. Pakar aktiviti fizikal di Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO), Tim Armstrong, berkata mereka yang bersenam setiap hari, tetapi banyak menghabiskan masa duduk mungkin tidak dapat manfaat aktiviti senaman mereka. Satu kajian diterbitkan tahun lalu yang menjejaki tabiat 17,000 warga Kanada bagi tempoh 12 tahun, mendapati mereka yang duduk paling lama berdepan risiko kematian lebih tinggi, walaupun mereka kerap bersenam. "Kita masih tidak mempunyai bukti cukup untuk menyatakan tempoh duduk yang boleh dikatakan membahayakan," kata Peter Katzmarzyk dari Pusat Penyelidikan Biomedikal Pennington di Baton Rouge, yang mengetuai kajian di Kanada berkenaan. Perangkaan dalam kajian di AS pada 2003-2004 mendapati rakyat negara itu menghabiskan separuh daripada masa mereka duduk, sama ada ketika kerja atau memandu. - Agensi ***Jom melebarkan montot~~ ngeee |
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sharing is caring
Selfish Children: How to Teach Them to Share (http://www.mamashealth.com)
The concept of sharing does not come easily to children especially when they are two or three years old. Children naturally come equip with the strong, built in “want” quality. Children do not want what they already have but it is instead the allure of having what other children have or what is forbidden and out of reach to them that is appealing. This is a very powerful force that drives children. Children also automatically have a strong sense of what is “mine” and in the beginning they think everything is theirs.
The concept of ownership is important to children and they feel threatened and confused when asked to share their toys with others. Immediately the possessiveness kicks into gear and they feel as if they have to defend what belongs to them.
There are ways that it is possible to encourage children to learn to share. Let’s take a closer look …
Rules of Sharing
- If you want to play with another child’s toy, ask the other child first and don’t just grab it from them. When you take your children to visit someone else’s house teach them to not just take what they want but to ask first (except in cases where the toy is freely offered). In the same way exercise this exact same principle in your own home- teach your kids that other children must ask for permission to play with their toys. This goes a long way in allowing a child to feel more relaxed and self-assured.
- If someone asks you if they can play with one of your toys do not say no but give a reason or explanation. If your child chooses not to share with someone then teach them to show respect by offering an explanation or better yet, suggesting an alternative option. For example, taking turns is an excellent alternative that often works well for children.
- The golden rule is always worthwhile to teach children in regards to sharing. Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. This helps make children mindful when another child asks them if they could play with one of their toys. This rule is also applicable when it comes to handling the toys of others with caring and respect.
These rules are not easy to learn but even the most selfish child will learn them if they are consistently encouraged by parents and other family members. Be aware as parents however that children learn more from example than they do from mere words so make sure that what you say to them and what they see you doing coincides with each other. Make sure to teach a policy of sharing to your children from a young age and once learned, this is a policy that they will carry on into their teenage years as well as into their adult life.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
V-Power yang power

Friday, June 18, 2010
Cheese Cake Mudah
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
ringan tulang
Monday, June 14, 2010
Anpanman Training Pants
Friday, June 11, 2010
My Water Moments
Thursday, June 10, 2010
pagar rumah @ ilmu alam ghaib
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
bundle girl
Friday, June 4, 2010
Dari Awan Dania ke K.I.T.A
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
ngantuk jugaklah!